Fire Ants


Fire Ants

Fire Ants are taking over The Triangle area! Here’s what you need to know: 


Fire Ants, like any other ant species, live in colonies. The colonies build large mounds, mostly near moist areas. You may have seen them in your yard! They look like big piles of loose dirt (see below). Fire Ants can survive in these mounds during mild winters. Ants are mostly active during warmer weather, but that doesn’t mean you won’t see them in the colder months.



You don’t want to poke at a Fire Ant mound. Doing so may result in a painful experience! Fire Ants work in large numbers and will attack if something (or someone) is disturbing their home or food source by stinging the attacker. A Fire Ant sting causes immense burning and itching sensations. The area stung may look like a rash. You can treat a Fire Ant sting with topical ointment, but these symptoms may last up to 2 weeks!

The Kind Approach 

At Kind Pest Control, we are ready to help you take back your yard! We have professionals who will come to your home and provide a free Fire Ant inspection. The technician will then provide you with a quote for a Top Choice treatment. Top Choice is the #1 defense against fire ants! It is a yearly service that comes with a warranty to keep you Fire-Ant-free each year service is provided!

Are you ready to take back your yard?! Give us a call today! 

(919) 981-9798

We are currently providing Fire Ant services in Raleigh, Wake Forest, Zebulon, Chapel Hill, Cary, Apex, and other surrounding areas in North Carolina.

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