Bald-Faced Hornets


Bald-faced hornets are not only one of nature’s most diligent workers, but they’re also remarkable architects, constructing intricate nests that can house hundreds of their kin. These insects, despite their intimidating appearance and formidable sting, play a vital role in our ecosystem. Let’s dive deeper into the world of bald-faced hornets.

Physical Characteristics

The bald-faced hornet, scientifically named Dolichovespula maculata, isn’t a true hornet but rather a type of yellow jacket. They’re easily recognizable:

  • Color: Unlike many yellow jackets, bald-faced hornets have a distinct black and white pattern, with the majority of their body being black.
  • Size: They typically measure between 0.5 to 0.75 inches in length.

Nest Building Wonders

One of the most fascinating aspects of bald-faced hornets is their skill in nest construction. Here’s what makes their nests remarkable:

  1. Material: They chew wood fibers, mix them with their saliva, and produce a papery material to build their nests.
  2. Structure: The nest begins as a series of hexagonal cells in which the queen lays her eggs. As the colony grows, workers add layers, creating the characteristic round shape.
  3. Location: Bald-faced hornets often hang their nests from trees, shrubs, or even man-made structures. By late summer, nests can grow to the size of a basketball, housing hundreds of hornets.

Role in the Ecosystem

Though many view them as pests, bald-faced hornets serve several essential roles:

  • Predators: They feed on other insects, keeping many potential pests in check.
  • Pollinators: While not their primary role, they do contribute to pollination as they forage for food.

Respect Their Space

Like many wasps and hornets, bald-faced hornets can be aggressive when provoked, especially if they perceive a threat to their nest.

  • Sting: Their sting is potent, and for those allergic, it can be life-threatening. They can sting multiple times, unlike bees.
  • Safe Distance: If you come across a nest, it’s advisable to keep a safe distance. If the nest is in a location where it poses a threat to human activities, it’s best to call a professional pest control service to handle removal.


Bald-faced hornets are an intriguing blend of nature’s engineering prowess and ecological balance. While they might be a source of fear for some, understanding their habits, behavior, and contribution to the environment can lead to a greater appreciation for these winged architects.


If you are experiencing bald-faced hornets on your property, it’s time to experience the Kind difference instead!


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