Carpenter Ants Raleigh


Carpenter ants are a common household pest that can cause serious damage to homes and structures. These ants are known for their ability to tunnel through wood, which can weaken the structural integrity of buildings over time. Here, we will take a closer look at carpenter ants and what you can do to prevent and control an infestation.

What are Carpenter Ants?

Carpenter ants are large black or red ants that typically range from 1/4 to 1/2 inch in length. They are known for their strong mandibles, which they use to excavate wood in order to create tunnels and nests. Unlike termites, carpenter ants do not eat wood, but they can cause significant damage to structures by excavating wood for nesting purposes.

Carpenter ants typically live in colonies that can range in size from a few dozen to several thousand ants. They prefer to nest in moist, decaying wood, such as logs, stumps, and trees. However, they can also be found in homes and other structures that have wood that has been damaged by moisture or other pests.

Signs of a Carpenter Ant Infestation

There are several signs that you may have a carpenter ant infestation in your home. These include:

  1. Sawdust or wood shavings – Carpenter ants leave behind a fine sawdust-like material called frass as they excavate wood. This can often be seen near the entrance to their nest.
  2. Winged ants – Carpenter ants produce winged ants called swarmers, which are typically seen in the spring and early summer as the colony is reproducing.
  3. Piles of dead ants – If you notice piles of dead ants in your home, this could be a sign of a nearby nest.
  4. Rustling sounds – Carpenter ants can make rustling sounds as they move through wood.

Preventing Carpenter Ants

The best way to prevent a carpenter ant infestation is to eliminate conditions that are conducive to their survival. This includes:

  1. Eliminate moisture – Carpenter ants are attracted to moist wood. Repair any leaks and eliminate sources of standing water around your home.
  2. Store firewood away from your home – Carpenter ants are often found in firewood. Keep your firewood stored away from your home and off the ground.
  3. Seal cracks and crevices – Carpenter ants can enter your home through small cracks and crevices. Seal these up to prevent them from entering.
  4. Trim trees and shrubs – Carpenter ants are often found in trees and shrubs. Keep them trimmed away from your home to prevent ants from using them as a bridge into your home.

Controlling Carpenter Ants

If you already have a carpenter ant infestation, there are several steps you can take to control it. These include:

  1. Locate the nest – In order to effectively control carpenter ants, you need to locate the nest. This can be difficult, as nests can be located in hidden areas of your home.
  2. Call a professional – If you are unable to control the infestation on your own, it may be necessary to call Kind Pest Control!

In conclusion, carpenter ants can be a serious pest problem for homeowners. However, by taking steps to prevent infestations and by addressing them quickly when they occur, you can keep your home and structures safe from damage.


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