

Throughout all seasons of the year, there’s a notorious pest that harms many different types of species in North Carolina — ticks. Frequently, just the appearance of one tick is many homeowners’ reason for investing in a professional pest control service. There are about 15 different types of species of ticks found in North Carolina. Most likely, if you find a tick around your home, on your pet, or on yourself, it will be an American Dog Tick or the Deer Tick (or Blacklegged Tick). Both species, however, can be quite harmful. 

Ticks feed off of the blood of humans and animals. They will latch onto the “host” and bite firmly. Their bite can go unnoticed, leaving the tick on the affected area for a long period of time. However, when found, it’s important to remove the tick carefully. Any leftover parts of the tick’s body found under the skin can cause serious infection. 

When ticks are found, they can be either larvae or fully-grown adults. Ticks are found in the grass, and “wait for host animals from the tips of grasses and shrubs (not from trees). When brushed by a moving animal or person, they quickly let go of the vegetation and climb onto the host” (Oak Ridge National Laboratory 1). 

To avoid tick bites and infections, try these tips:

  • If involved in any outdoor activity located in woodsy or grassy areas, be sure to wear long pants. 
  • Avoid thick bushes and tall grasses.
  • Check yourself and your loved ones for any ticks after outdoor activity.
  • If found on your clothing, remove the tick with tape to ensure its removal.
  • If you do find a tick attached to your skin, remove its entire body with tweezers. Do not twist its body. It’s barbed pinchers might stay underneath the skin if broken.
  • Wash any affected areas with soap and water.

Are you ready to have your home protected from ticks? Call us today!

(919) 981-9798

We are currently providing pest control services in Raleigh, Wake Forest, Zebulon, Chapel Hill, Cary, Apex, and other surrounding areas in North Carolina.


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